Most pharmaceutical items, eg Penthrox etc are restricted and only visible to authorised customers. You must be logged in to see & buy these. Please order carefully as there are no returns.
Adam Dental Supplies provides all your pharamceutical medication needs. Ensure that your dental patients recieve their medications and antibiotics in a timely manner.
No more 'Sorry, I didnt have time to go to the chemist, Dr' excuses. Supply your patients yourself with the necessary antibiotics like Amoxil, Flagyl, Keflex, Doxycycline, and Erythromycin. Pain control medications including paracetamol, ibuprofen, anti inflammatories, ventolin, nitrolingual sprays that you should also keep in your first aid kits. We also stock ant-anxiety medications like Penthrox for your nervous dental patients.
Our extensive range of pharmaceutical products will be sure to cover your needs. Check out our full range in our catalogue or on our website. Be sure to log-in to see the full range of restricted pharmaceutical items